In my eyes
I like to recommend foster and adoptive parents to also talk well about their child's first parents. By this ...
I talked with my aunt yesterday. She told me that she was there once when my first mother, my siblings and my grandma picked me up for a walk.
She is a lovely lady that I have known and respected for years. A few years ago she advised her childless daughter to adopt a child. And now she contacted me because of my book on adoption.

Yesterday I spoke with Petra Welkers, 57. She is the author of the book „Geburtsgeheimnis. Adoption im Spiegel von Geschichte und Therapie“, a mixture of autobiography, non-fiction and fairy tales.

I've always been annoyed by the phrase "to adopt a dog". I found this expression to belittle the adopted child's pain. Since last Saturday, I see things differently.

Apples on a tree that wasn't mine! Am I allowed to pick them? Without paying anything? Without giving anything in return? Without having done anything for it beforehand?
Ich kann sie gut verstehen. Ich habe selbst beim Radio gearbeitet und weiß, wie schwer es sein kann, Interviewpartner zu bekommen.
He, in his mid-20s, sat across from me on the train. In his hand a book about psychotherapy and trauma.
I was 6 or 7 years old the last time I saw my father. He’s been dead for a long time. Did he bless me?
Perhaps you know the story of Jacob and Esau, which should be called ”the story of Esau and Jacob“, for Esau was the firstborn. But Jacob
"You have to be in peace with it at some point.“ Or: “You have to look ahead." Or: “You should reconcile yourself with it.“ Or
It is not always easy, the relationship between first parents and foster- or adoptive parents.
She was the resolute grandma par excellence, told me her granddaughter, now a competent woman herself.
No one has ever looked at me like that. Not before and not after. It wasn’t a gaze of love, no, but one thing at a time.
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